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INTERNATIONAL JOINT RESEARCH SERIES ON FUTURE MOBILITY(IV)_2019-2020 KOTI-WB Special Research Report on E-mobility, Logistics Clusters, and Transportation Safety
  • Date

    September30 2020

  • Page(s)

    258 page(s)

#Speed Limit Management for Enhancing Traffic Safety
4. 2019-2020 KOTI-WB Special Research Report on E-mobility Logistics Clusters and Transportation Safety.PNG

For more than a decade World Bank and Korea Transport Institute have been cooperated in striving for developing and disseminating good policies on transport and logistics. Through diverse cooperative activities such as annual joint workshops, experts exchange, and capacity building programmes for developing countries, the two institutes have been mutually benefitted. Based on such successful a decade-long cooperation, the two institutes agreed to carry out joint researches in mutually interested topics and share the results with international societies.

Through intense internal discussion and close consultation between the two organizations, we selected three challenging issues such as expansion of electric vehicle supply, developing logistics clusters, and enhancing traffic safety through speed management. The three  topics are in line with  the sustainable development goals of the United Nation, and of highly interested from developing countries. Three research teams for each topics organized in WB and KOTI carried out studies in close cooperation for last one year. This report demonstrates the research results from the three research teams. Although three researches have different scheme and depth of analysis due to limit of data availability, they all tried to utilize experience of Korea.

This joint research is expected to be used as meaningful policy references for developing countries around the world. With this joint research, I wish the cooperation between the two institutes would be strengthened further and many joint researches on diverse topics would be followed.

Introduction and Executive Summary

Part 1 Korea's Experience of Electric Vehicle Charging 15Infrastructures
1.2.The history and defining features of Korea’s eMobility program
1.3.Institutional framework
1.4.Market structure and its evolution
1.5.The role and impact of new technologies
1.6.Best Practice: Jeju Island
1.7.Key lessons for sharing

Part 2 Competing with Logistics Clusters
2.1.Introduction 93
2.2.Definitional and Conceptual Analysis
2.3.Logistics Clusters in the European Union
2.4.Logistics Clusters in the United States
2.5.Logistics Clusters in Korea
2.6.Lessons learned from the European and North American experience
2.7.Lessons learned from the Korean Experience
2.8.Guiding Questions for Policy and Decision Makers

Part 3 Speed Limit Management for Enhancing Traffic Safety on Urban Roads
3.2.Speeding and Its Road Safety Risks
3.3.Literature Review
3.4.Cases in Korea and Europe
3.5.Case Studies in Daegu
3.7.Conclusion and Policy Recommendations