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Upgrading Reliability of Estimating Big Data-Driven Transport Demand
  • Date

    November 30 2019

  • Page(s)

    21 page(s)

19-14 Upgrading Reliability of Estimating Big Data-Driven Transport Demand_Image.jpg
1. Introduction
2. Reliability Assessment of Household Travel Survey - based O/D Transport Demands and its Limitations
3. Current Status of Big Data for Transport
4. Establishing Big-data Based Methodologies to Estimate O/D Traffic Demand
5. Adjustment of Errors in Raw Mobile Data and Developing the Trip Chain DB
6. A Method to Construct O/D Traffic Demand for the Base Year
6.1 Key Big Data and the Process to Develop O/D Traffic Demand
6.2 Estimation of Trip Purposes
6.3 Estimation of Transport Modes
7. O/D Demand Forecast
8. Validation for Big Data-based O/D Construction Outcomes
9. Conclusion and Academic Merit