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Policy Research

Development of criteria for best practices of private parking and a pilot implementation plan
  • Date

    January 31 2017

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It is important that the private sector should expand its role to solve the parking problem in our country. This study aims to provide assessment criteria and methods to select parking best practices as a way to promote the parking industry. Selection of parking best practices has become common in other countries such as the US, the UK, Europe and in other areas in Korea such as architecture, housing, and employment.
Sharing best practices with the parking industry is expected to make parking facilities more advanced and therefore, promote the parking industry which is significantly important to solving parking problems in Korea.
In this study, domestic and international cases concerning the selection of best practices related to parking facilities and operations of such facilities are reviewed. The review results are used to build a draft assessment criteria to select parking best practices considering parking facilities only. The primary assessment criteria were selected according to Korea’s situation and acceptability in the parking industry.
The major assessment criteria included the fundamental conditions of safety, convenience and functionality. The assessment items are as follows; The criteria for the fundamental conditions included a well-designed entrance and whether parking lots are convenient or inconvenient for drivers. The assessment items for safety are security and monitoring systems, solutions of blind areas and brightness, while the criteria for convenience contains parking information system, payments, and pedestrian path design within parking facilities. Functionality is evaluated by how well parking is designed in terms of driver recognition and collaboration with the environment and which innovative technologies are applied for effective operations. Other assessment items which are not mentioned above are presented in Table 4.2.
Assessment criteria are quantified by scores for evaluation. In addition, an evaluation method for selecting the candidate groups to select the best parking lots is specified to suggest a method that can be applied in practice.
The assessment criteria and methods for parking best practice presented in this study are expected to serve as the basis for guidance on major assessment items and methods for future good parking selection projects.