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General Research

Urban Transport Policy Paradigm Shift: - Focus on Health and Road Safety -
  • Date

    November 30 2020

  • Page(s)

    23 page(s)

20-07_Urban Transport Policy Paradigm Shift – with Focus on Health and Road Safety -.PNG
1. Background and Purpose of Study
1.1. Background of Study
1.2. Purpose of Study

2. Scope of Study

3. Flow of Study

4. Paradigm Shift in Urban Transportation Policy and the Socioeconomic Backgrounds Thereof
4.1. Influence of Urban Transportation on the Health and Safety of Citizens
4.2. The Significance of a Paradigm Shift in Urban Transportation Policy
4.3. (Co-work with International Federation of Pedestrians) Examples of Urban Transportation Policy Paradigm Shift in High-Income Countries and the Socioeconomic Backgrounds Thereof
4.4. Diagnosis of Changes in Korean Urban Transportation Policy and Paradigm

5. COVID-19 and Changes in the Travel Behavior of Urban Transportation
5.1. Analysis of Changes in the Pattern of Urban Transportation Due to COVID-19
5.2. Predictions for Changes in Urban Transportation in a Post-COVID Society

6. Relationship Between Socioeconomic Standards and Air Pollution
6.1. Analysis of the Correlation Between Socioeconomic Indices and Traffic Safety
6.2. Analysis of the Correlation Between Socioeconomic Development Indices and Air Pollution

7. Policy Directions and Planning Strategy for Paradigm Shift
7.1. Experience of Urban Transportation Policy that Promotes Health and Safety and the Implications Thereof
7.2. Survey on Perception of Paradigm Shift
7.3. Policy Directions and Planning Strategy for Paradigm Shift

8. Conclusion and Policy Applications
8.1. Conclusion and Summary
8.2. Policy Applications
8.3. Future Tasks