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Policy Research

Improving private highways toll collecting systemby e-notification and easy mobile payments
  • Date

    November 30 2020

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#easy mobile payments
It has been steadily increasing for years unpaid tolls of private highways in Korea. It’s because that private highway companies have no authority to collect unpaid tolls from the debtor without judical decision. As a result, CEPHIS(Center for Private Highway Studies) was entrusted by the MOLIT under the from 17th Jan. 2019.
In this study, Research team designed the system for collecting unpaid tolls of private highways focusing on three aspects below.
First of all, e-notification claim messages based on smartphone should replace the expensive and slow registered mail of post office. Secondly, easy mobile payment solutions should be offered for the unpaid tolls debtor. Thirdly, toll collecting system should be linked in real time with NICE credit information company, KOSTA(Korea Transportaion Safety Authority), and other 6 agenicies.
It is expect that the new toll collecting system of CEPHIS could increase the rate of toll collection and user convenience, while, decrease the required time for delivery and postage costs of billing.