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Policy Research

International Cooperate Project on Container Trade Volume Analysis by Rail-Sea Intermodal Transport between Korea and China
  • Date

    April 30 2018

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#Intermodal Transport #International Cooperate
While signs of a thaw emerging in the South Korea-China relationship has been noticed sporadically, it has been ice cold under the influence of the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) conflict.
It is time to actively discuss 6 agendas, including South Korea’s New SouthernㆍNorthern policy initiative, linking and cooperating plans with China’s One Belt, One Road (一帶一路ㆍ21st century land and sea silk road project), seeking cooperation projects for Korea-China ventures to enter a third countries, industrial and investment cooperation plans.
This study aims to quantitatively analyze the current status and future demand of railway-maritime (including railway-ferry) intermodal transport using containers between Korea, China, and Japan as agreed upon at the 1st working-level conference (March 23, 2017, Seoul) for the 7th Korea-China-Japan Ministerial Conference on Transport and Logistics to be held in 2018.
The purpose of this study, which is part of an international cooperation joint research project, is to quantitatively analyze the current state of container intermodal transport and future cooperation measures agreed upon at the Korea-China-Japan Ministerial Conference on Transport and Logistics and the working-level conference from the viewpoint of South Korea.
Meanwhile, China’s One Belt, One Road concept, which originally left the route to the east end in a broken form, was revised into the One Belt, One Road initiative, including the Korean Peninsula and presented at the end. This initiative may be another reason to strive to vitalize container railway and maritime intermodal transport between Korea-China.
Hopefully, these findings will be widely used as a basis for establishing policies to restore mutual trust between Korea and China and strengthen cooperation for railway-marine intermodal transportation using containers. Sincere acknowledgments are extended to the Korean researchers who conducted this study, the joint research teams in China and Japan, and to the advisors who helped in the course of this study.