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Policy Research

Analysis and measures on aging of Taxi Drivers
  • Date

    January 31 2017

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The elderly population rate in Korean society reached to 13.1% in 2015 and we expect the rate will grow continuously. Between 2001 and 2015, the rate of elderly driver’s license holders soared from 10.1% to 34.6%, and car accident cases caused by the elderly increased accordingly. In 2001, there were 3,759 cases and this grew to 23,079 (6.1 times) by 2015. Given that car accidents in Korea have been gradually decreasing in recent years, such an increase in car accidents caused by the elderly is a notable phenomenon.
The increase is closely related to the increase in elderly employment in the passenger transportation industry. For seniors, the bar for becoming a taxi driver license is not significantly high in Korea, and more low-income elderly tend to get a job in the passenger transportation industry as a taxi driver. The phenomenon of taxi drivers aging in Korea has been raised as an issue. However, there has been a lack of research conducted for understanding the relationship between aging taxi drivers and increasing accidents in Korea. At this point, we put forward that it is imperative to have a deeper understanding of how aging taxi drivers in Korea cause socio-economic effects in transportation. For example, we need to investigate the trends of aging taxi drivers, comparative analysis regarding drive safety awareness between the elderly and non-elderly population, and deeper analysis into car accidents caused by elderly drivers.
In this research, we seek to inform useful insights and policy directions for establishing safer future transportation. To understand how to create a safer driving environment, we conducted in-depth analyses of the current situation of the taxi transportation industry in Korea, and examined a series of legal regulations effective abroad. Our findings are as follows:
First, we propose ways to improve the taxi driver management system. Specifically, the new management system suggests rigorous execution of advanced driver education with driving simulation systems and regular advanced aptitude tests. Second, we encourage Korean policies more strictly enforce the taxi transportation industry to comply with rigorous safety management regulation. Presenting incentives such as a certificate of excellence in safety or penalties such as imposing tax can be considered. Third, improving the working conditions of elderly taxi drivers is essential in reducing accidents. We propose ways of improving the effectiveness of managing transportation income or welfare funds of the Korean government in order to provide more support to elderly taxi drivers.
We believe our findings in this research will contribute to presenting insights to policy makers that can lead to yielding better policy direction which can establish a safer transportation environment. We hope that this research can motivate meaningful changes in the passenger transportation industry.